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Order Nurture III Breastpump With Tote And Video
A breastpump capable of double or single pumping where mom can control the cycle frequency and intensity by rolling her thumb on the top of the bottle. This pump can only work with AC power, unless an optional power inverter is purchased. This is the only pump with a 30 day customer satisfaction, and
has the longest warranty....of 2 years!!
This pump is also available for rent .
$30.00 per month/ Double Collection Kit $40.00
Questions? Contact Mothering From The Heart...
Prices on all products
are as low as possible and also will include help from a trained professional.
Personal emails or phone calls will always be handled by a professional
lactation consultant when items are purchased with Mothering From
The Heart. Warranty Contact the manufacturer directly for defective products. Breastpumps are covered by the manufacturers warranty and they will vary according to which product is purchased. Any defective products also need to be reported to us!
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