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Breastfeeding:It's Every Woman's Right
The American Academy of Pediatrics Work Group on
Breastfeeding has stated that "human milk is the preferred feeding for all infants,
including premature and sick newborns, with rare exceptions." In addition the
Group states that babies should be exclusively breastfed for the first 6 months and
ideally, breastfeeding should continue for the first 12 months of life. For this to
happen in the US, means there must be a drastic change in the attitudes of both government
and business. With clearly 50% of mothers returning to work within six weeks of
giving birth- provisions have to be made which will make the continuation of breastfeeding
possible even after they return to the workplace.
Pediatricians, nationwide, are directed to encourage employers to
provide facilities and time in the workplace for mothers to express breastmilk during
their workday. They also are directed to encourage routine insurance coverage for
breastfeeding consultation services and supplies. These changes probably won't occur
without legislation that mandates change-or, at the least, removes the barriers that now
Promote State Legislation
If your state currently has laws that prevent or penalize
mothers from breastfeeding in public areas, in the workplace, in government buildings or
in other areas where mothers and infants would normally be, write to your state
representatives. Urge them to propose, support and /or enact legislation that
protects a mother's right to breastfeed wherever she feels it is necessary for her child.
Additionally, if your state has proposed legislation coming up for vote in future
sessions, write to your congressional representatives to urge their support of such laws.
In fact, ask them to expand those bills to include a mother's right to breastfeed
or express breastmilk at her workplace without reproach.
If you are not sure whether there are any bills on the docket in
your state capital, call the office of your local representatives and ask for information
on pending legislation. If there is none, discuss how important the right to
breastfeed is to everyone; ask for advice on how a campaign could be initiated.
Sometimes, it only takes a suggestion to get the ball rolling!
Promote the Bills in Washington
At the Federal level, legislation is currently proposed that
would 1) reward employers who provide a secure, sanitary location and sufficient time for
mothers to express breastmilk during the work day (HR1163); 2) protect a mother's right to
breastfeed by requiring that women cannot be fired or discriminated against for expressing
breastmilk or breastfeeding during their own lunch or break time (HR3861). Both were
referred back to various committees during the 106th Congress. One additional bill
was passed during this session: The Right to Breastfeed Act (HR 1848), which ensures
a woman's rights to breastfeed her child anywhere on Federal property where she and her
child are authorized to be. Clearly, there is much more that can be done but your
efforts to encourage the support of your representatives can have an immense impact on the
outcome on this type of legislation.
Every mother has the responsibility to inform governments,
politicians and businesses of the universal benefits of breastfeeding. Benefits that
go beyond just the mother and child...to society at large. These entities must
recognize the importance of making breastfeeding an easy, convenient, natural, practical
and protected option for every mother!
If you wish to support any of the Federal bills or
other relevant legislation, don't hesitate to write to your senators and
representatives in your state, and in Washington, to urge their support on those
that promote the right to breastfeed. By doing so, your rights...and
those of your daughter...ultimately will be assured.