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Niplette Instructions
The AVENT Niplette™
Inverted or flat nipples are the result of short lactiferous (milk bearing) ducts. The Niplette is designed to lengthen these ducts by the application of gentle suction. It is painless and easy to use. Until recently, the only effective method of correcting inverted nipples was surgery, a costly solution that ruled out breastfeeding for good. The Niplette quickly corrects inverted nipples and has proven to be a permanent solution for both cosmetic purposes and normal breastfeeding.

The Avent Niplette is suitable for
correcting inverted nipples which have developed as a result of hereditary
factors or during puberty.
The Avent Niplette is suitable for patients
having had unsuccessful surgery to obtain cosmetic correction.
The Avent Niplette is NOT suitable
for lactating breasts, however there is no harm in using the Niplette for a
few minutes to draw out the nipple and help your baby latch on. NB: Use is
not recommended in the last two months of pregnancy. DO NOT use on
inverted nipples developing later in life without medical advice. If in
doubt consult your doctor.
for use (see diagrams)
Use nipple ointment sparingly on the nipple and areola before applying the Niplette.
1 Push the syringe firmly into the open end of the valve.
2 Hold the Avent Niplette over the inverted nipple with one hand and apply suction by pulling the syringe with the other. Pull as firmly as is comfortable. Do not pull too hard - a small smear of the ointment at the base of the Niplette will improve the seal and suction.
3 When the nipple has been pulled out, let go of the Niplette, hold the valve and carefully separate the syringe from the valve.
You are now free to continue your
daily activities wearing the Niplette. It is easily concealed under loose
• If you are using the breast shells for sore nipples to help keep the Niplette from detaching, carefully feed the tube into the hole of the Soft Shells and center the hole over the Niplette, then cover with your bra.
To remove the
Avent Niplette, push the
syringe into the valve to release the vacuum.
Important advice
To obtain the best and swiftest
results the Avent Niplette should ideally be worn as much as possible during the
day or night and at the maximum suction comfortable for you. One Niplette
is required for each inverted nipple. It is possible to wear the device
overnight provided you do not sleep on your front and it may be convenient
to wear a loose fitting bra. The Shells will also help keep in
place while sleeping.
• To prevent soreness or nipple trauma, start out wearing only a few hours using minimal suction and build up as tolerated.
Used regularly, the nipple should fill
the mould within approximately three weeks. Continue to use the Avent Niplette
until the nipple does not retract. Use of the Niplette can then be reduced.
Any initial tendency to retract is easily overcome by intermittent usage.
Some individuals may notice a small
amount of discharge from their nipples when it has been used for a period of
time, this is entirely normal. Bloody or brown discharge noted upon using
for the first time should be reported to a health care professional.
If required the Niplette can be
cleaned in warm, soapy water. DO NOT sterilize.
We are happy to assist all men and women with product support of the Niplette. If the product is not purchased from us, we do have to charge for the service. Sorry, but this is time consuming and can only be offered to clients ordering directly from us. The service is FREE to all clients purchasing from MFTH!

Helpful Suggestions using the Niplette
To order Niplette via internet
To order Niplette by phone or mail